Hey Free Folk,
This is just a heads up as to what to expect from me for the next few months.
At this moment I am arranging new songs, after making a good many of these I will begin resorting the songbooks and re-numbering the individual songs.
As soon as I have the books ready you can choose which you wish to download. I will post notices everywhere I am able.
The only change is that the music will be split by genre and the Classical arrangements will be split into Ensemble and Orchestra.
Here is which Buggins will be heading each group.
Ninikate Buggins - The Ninny Hammers - Pop, Jazz and Traditional - Meet 1st and 3rd Week of each month.
Outfits: Forest Green
Liliditty Buggins - The Bree Lore Hall Ensemble - 2-7 Part Classical Ensembles - Meet 2nd and 4th Week of each month.
Outfits: TBD
Lilikate Buggins - The Eriador Philharmonic Orchestra - Meet at special arrangement, probably in the ensemble timeslot. This group is open to other arrangers in LOTRO who wish to share with us classical large arrangements based on a quarterly theme.
Outfits for Concert: Men in Black formals and Lady's in coloured gowns to match the season.
Any questions please jot them down below.