The Ninny Hammers Forum Index -> The Blue Theatre Song Contest

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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:13 am    Post subject:

I thank you both for your kind service!


PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:02 pm    Post subject:

Miss Flowerdew will be available as a volunteer for this event



PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2016 9:21 am    Post subject:

I will likely require volunteer assistance (to be confirmed).

In return, I am available to help other bands if required.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:45 pm    Post subject: Volunteer Musicians

Dear Musicians,

I would like to begin a new program for The Blue Theatre Song Contest.

I would like to match Bands that need extra musicians to volunteers who would be willing to help them for an afternoon.

If you would be able to spare a little time to help, please send word to me Lilikate and I will add you to a list and match you with those Bands who require more musicians.

  • You can send an email to

  • You can leave a word in the comments here, or

  • Send a letter to Lilikate on Landroval.

The files and (if required) outfits will be provided by the Band in question, all volunteers are asked not to reveal the song title of the band they are helping. It is not necessary to be able to play all instruments, please provide details of which instruments you are able to play. Thank you.


